
Photo by Mathyas Kurmann on Unsplash

Feel free to contact me with any questions, concerns, or feedback.

Mailing address

I live in Iceland now but I still maintain a mailing address in Seattle WA for those that need to send me domestic postal letters. Reach out if you need my Icelandic address.

Siggi Bjarnason
1037 NE 65th Street
Unit 80031
Seattle, WA 98115-6655

Electronic mail


For encrypted coms use w7***

Here is the public key:

pu*************@pm.asc„>w7*** public key

Social Media

I’m mostly on these social media platforms. I avoid anything owned by Meta as much as I can (facebook, instagram, etc) however one can not escape the pull of facebook completely

Please note that none of the social media services are private or secret. If you are OK with the whole world reading your conversations, then feel free to continue using them for your chats. Otherwise you should pick a more secure messaging service.

Chat / instant messaging apps

I’m on pretty much every messaging service out there, including Viber, Signal, Keybase and more. If you like to connect with me on one of those please email me for the details.

If you need help figuring a good service I’m happy to provide advice once I understand your situation and requirements. Email is best for this. All my emails are reasonable private. Supergeek domain is hosted by FastMail out of Australia and it would take a court order from Australian court to release those emails. They have very close ties with the US and are members of the five eyes, so it is likely not a huge effort to get those released.

My encrypted email ( is hosted by Proton in Switzerland and the level of effort to get Swiss courts to release anything is extremely high. They are extremely privacy conscious and not member of intelligence consortium. Since ProtonMail is fully encrypted all they could release is how many email we exchanged and when.

Of course this is just my side of things. If you are writing me from a free email service in the US, the level of effort to get our emails directly from your hosting provider is minimal. If you don’t know how to setup encryption on your email client, you may want to look at getting an account with Proton.