The blog discusses the importance of respect, diversity, and consent in relationships, highlighting the problems of heteronormative culture and patriarchy. It provides advice for men and women on interactions, emphasizing that respect and autonomy are vital. The article stresses that consent must be informed, enthusiastic, and can be revoked at any time.
Secrets Management Conclusion
Third and final installment on secret management. In this article I give an overview of all the solutions I found that met my criteria.
Secrets Management, a key less edition
This is a second installment on tools that will help you manage your secrets. This time I’m diving into a solution called AKEYLESS which looks like a great option for those needing a more fully fledged Secret and key management solution.
Emailing from python3
In this article I deviate again from cybersecurity to continue with topic of how to send notifications from python, this time by sending fully functional email
Mass shootings the USA
I wanted to pen some thoughts on the horrific problem the USA is facing in regard to mass shootings. For those that don’t know I was born and raised in Iceland but lived in Seattle WA, USA for most of…
Docker and Doppler
My latest project has been to get more comfortable with Docker, how it works, how to set it up, etc. During that I started learning how to integrate Doppler into Docker. This article explains my findings.
Secrets Management
In this article I talk about benefits of managing all the secrets you use in your dev efforts and how to do it efficiently and securely. I also provide a sample script to play with.
Cybersecurity philosophy
I am not planning on waxing philosophy in this post, but I do want to discuss ideology or mindset of a successful cybersecurity professional. In my Vulnerability Management post I went over how to structure your vulnerability management program. Here…